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Exploring G-BOMBS and the Power of Onions

Melissa Cotton is the creator of this series of posts, published monthly, entitled Exploring G-BOMBS and will be teaching us about how these powerful foods impact our health and wellness.

For most of my life, I have never really given much thought to onions. Other than the fact that they always make my eyes water when I cut them, they were simply an ingredient in a recipe or a garnish on the plate. Imagine my surprise when I learned that onions play a significant role in lowering the risk of common types of cancers!

This month, I will be focusing on the O in Dr. Fuhrman’s G-BOMBS (Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds). These six foods have the most evidence that support their incredible immune-boosting, anticancer, and longevity promoting effects.


Why does Dr Fuhrman want us to eat onions every day?

●       The Allium family of vegetables includes onions, garlic, shallots, leeks, and scallions.1 The facts I am sharing in this blog are not just true of onions, but all of the members of the Allium family.

●       Allium vegetables contain organosulfur compounds that are responsible for their flavor and health effects.1 These compounds are also the source of the eye irritation that goes along with chopping onions.1

●       The sulfide compounds that make your eyes water prevent the development of cancers by detoxifying carcinogens.2 They also have angiogenesis-inhibiting effects.  This means that they halt cancer growth by not allowing tumors to have a blood supply.2

●       Organosulfur compounds in allium vegetables are produced when the raw onions are chopped, crushed, or chewed.1 

●       A large European study found between 50% and 88% risk reduction for multiple cancers in the people who were eating the largest quantities of onions and garlic.2 These people were eating about ½ cup chopped onions per day.

Here are the statistics:

○       56% reduction in colon cancer

○       73% reduction in ovarian cancer

○       88% reduction in esophageal cancer

○       71% reduction in prostate cancer

○       50% reduction in stomach cancer 2

●       Red and yellow onions contain richer antioxidant compounds than white onions.2 Shallots have especially high polyphenol levels.3

●       Red onions are rich in quercetin and anthocyanins.3  Quercetin has anti-inflammatory effects and can help prevent damaged cells from advancing to cancer.2 

●       The cell walls of onions have an enzyme called alliinase. This makes the sulfuric acid smell and irritates your eyes.  As you chop an onion, a chemical reaction is happening forming immune-building sulfide compounds.2


Wisdom from Dr Greger about Onions

●       “Guess which have more antioxidants—red onions or white onions? You don’t need to look up the answer. You can see the difference with your own eyes. (Indeed, red onions have 76 percent more antioxidant capacity than white, with yellow onions in between.) So, given the choice, why buy another white onion ever again?” 5 

●       “The capacity of our blood vessels to repair themselves is dependent on endothelial progenitor cells that emerge from stem cells in our bone marrow to patch up any holes in our endothelium. Individual foods that have been shown to increase circulating endothelial progenitor cells includes berries, onions, and green tea, and a diet centered completely around whole plant foods not only showed a boost in endothelial progenitors but an improvement in endothelial function, along with a drop in LDL cholesterol.” 4

●       “Like chemotherapy, maybe garlic isn’t just toxic to cancer cells but toxic to all cells? That wouldn’t be good. Researchers also wondered about this, so they decided to compare the effects of garlic and other vegetables on the growth of both cancer cells and normal cells. The same garlic dose that blocked nearly 80 percent of cancer cell proliferation appeared to have no effect whatsoever against normal cells, and similar results were found for the other allium and cruciferous vegetables. In other words, vegetables are selective; they destroy cancer cells but leave normal cells alone.”


Nutritarian Tips:

●       When preparing your onions, take off the outermost paper shell, but keep the part right under that.  Use as much of the area close to the root as possible. Flavonoids are highly concentrated in this area.2 

●       Add onions to every salad and vegetable dish for anticancer benefits and great flavor.  Remember to eat them raw and chew them well or chop them finely before you prepare your dish.  This initiates the chemical reaction that forms the protective sulfur compounds.3



1 Fuhrman, Joel. Eat for Life: The Breakthrough Nutrient-Rich Program for Longevity, Disease Reversal, and Sustained Weight Loss. HarperOne, 2020.

2  Dr. Fuhrman. Eat to Live Masterclass. Accessed July 15, 2024.

3 Fuhrman, Joel. The End of Dieting: How to Live for Life. HarperOne, 2014.

4 Greger, Michael. How Not to Age. Flatiron Books, 2023.

5 Greger, Michael. How Not to Die. Flatiron Books, 2015.


About Melissa Cotton

Melissa is a first grade teacher with a double major in Elementary Education and Early Childhood.  She also has a Master’s Degree in Education Administration.  After reading T. Colin Campbell’s book, The China Study, she stopped eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) and has been eating a nutrient-rich, plant-based diet.  In December 2023, she earned Dr Joel Fuhrman’s Nutritarian Coaching Certificate. Melissa is an active member of the National Health Association (NHA). 


Melissa is the writer/creator of our blog series  Exploring GBOMBS.  Her love for teaching and learning will support others on their journey for optimal health and wellness. 

About Exploring G-BOMBS blog series

Are there specific foods that boost immune function, prevent cancer from developing, and promote longevity? The answer to this question is YES!  Dr Fuhrman uses a simple, yet powerful acronym, G-BOMBS (Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds) to help us remember these six nutrient-dense foods.  Over the next few months, I will be sharing a series of blog posts, diving deep into the benefits of G-BOMBS.  Do other plant based doctors share Dr Fuhrman’s confidence in the scientific research about these specific foods?  Stay tuned to learn why incorporating these foods into your diet can be a game-changer for your health and longevity.  


Be well



Sep 02, 2024

Onion is in my Persian blood, I so love and enjoy onions, especially the red. Garlic saffron rice with side of raw onions, cucumbers, radishes and tomatoes, is just to die for! So good to read all aspects of that onion positively contributes to.

6D Living
6D Living
Sep 19, 2024
Replying to

And I love love love your recipe with saffron rice and barberries Affan!


Jul 31, 2024

Melissa, nice article on the health benefits of onions. You kept it simple & to the point.

6D Living
6D Living
Sep 19, 2024
Replying to

I agree Hildy, Melissa has a wonderful gift of presenting the complexity of nutrition and how food impacts our health in a way we can all understand.

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