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6D Challenge - Read each day - Boosting our Intellectual Dimension

This 6D challenge is from the Intellectual Dimension. It is a small idea which, if practiced regularly, can bring with it enormous benefits to your health and wellness.

Intellectual Dimension

This dimension of our lives is where our cerebral matter really matters! Explore ideas that can help you to stimulate, nurture and nourish your brain. Balance this dimension by focusing on both your professional and personal intellectual development, exercise your brain like you exercise your body. Staying mentally sharp helps to keep your ideas (and your life) fresh and exciting.

Stop setting boundaries


Breathe deeply and open the mind to new realities


Focus on providing the mind the opportunities to explore and learn


Move towards more optimal choices in meeting the mind's needs


Flow into a more optimal state of health and well-being


6D Living challenges are for everyone in our community. Think of these challenges as auditions - a way to try out little changes in your life to see if they can provide big benefits to your health and wellness.

Challenge: For the next ten days, find thirty minutes each day to read - a book. Whether digital or physical, make it a real book! Not a newsfeed, not a glossy magazine, not an app.

There are so many books in the world from which to choose. There are so many stories yet untold, yet unheard.

Choose a good story, curl up on a comfortable chair and lose yourself in the words of others. Dance with your imagination through new worlds and exciting experiences and stimulate that grey matter to fire new synapses and create new connections! Build daily connections through daily reading - good habits have good results!

Make a commitment to yourself to try out this challenge for ten days. You may find you like it and decide to keep it in your routine. You may find you do not like it and decide not to continue practicing this in your routine. One thing is for certain, if you do not experience it for yourself, you will not know if you like it.

So, come on! Give a try!! After all, it is only for 10 days

If you find you like reading and learning and want to share this experience with like-minded, curious people why not Join the 6D Book Club?

This is a free group which explores new information in the world of science and nutrition and all curious minds are welcome to join our adventures!


Six Dimensions

When we balance the six dimensions, we reclaim the power to create our ideas into reality. We reclaim the power to create our lives as we wish them to be. This is a truth. It is also a process! One which requires commitment and enthusiasm.

We can simplify (organize) the process by concentrating on the six dimensions of our lives (Nutritional, Physical, Intellectual, Intrapersonal, Intersentient and Creative) and ensuring that we regularly seek to nurture each dimension whilst creating balance between all six.


Be well



6D Living


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