6D Living is based on an idea rooted in balance. Here at 6D Living, our goal is to share ideas about how to best balance each of the six dimensions.
We have the power to create our lives as we wish them to be. This is a truth.
When we balance the six dimensions, we reclaim the power to create our ideas into reality. We have the power to create our lives as we wish them to be. This is a truth. It is also a process!
A process which requires commitment and enthusiasm as well as a focus on the six dimensions of our lives:
Explore the six dimensions of your life - Create balance between these dimensions
Explore your ideas - Create your reality
Explore your dreams - Create your life
Your life is your creation - your very own masterpiece
Create it with awareness, clarity and kindness
In July we will begin posting monthly 'dimensional audition' opportunities, focusing on one of the six dimensions each month. These posts will be created by Jennifer Hamilton and will offer ideas for us all to explore about how to best nurture and balance all six dimensions of our lives, as well what that dimension of her own life looks like and how she finds ways to nurture and balance her life as a whole.
Be well.
