Time to get our greens! And as we all know, our lifestyle requires A LOT of leafy green vegetables. So many that sometimes our jaws get tired of chewing!
Whilst chewing is an extremely important part of 'eating greens' due to the nitrates, green smoothies are an excellent second choice when you need to get your greens 'on the go'. It is easy to prepare a couple of green drinks and have them in the refrigerator for a quick boost of nutrition, calories and most importantly, fiber. Do not 'poo-poo-' the gorgeous green drinks - rather use them as ways to ensure you get all your greens each day.
Here is one recipe I enjoy for my green drinks and I have not listed amounts for each ingredient as it will depend on how my your blender/appliance can contain - as well as the flavor profile you prefer!
I use a large two liter blender which makes two HUGE green drinks which I store, covered in an airtight container. Yes, these drinks lose nutrients the longer we wait to drink them - in other words, it is best to create it and drink it right away. But that is not always how life works so I would rather have a green drink that has lost 'some' of its nutrient content that NO green drink with NO nutrient content! I like to have my nutrients ready for me when I need a boost - and, yes I also eat fresh greens!
Turmeric Root
Hemp Seeds
(not all ingredients can be seen in the photo - but they are there I promise!)