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6D Living is based on an idea rooted in balance. Our goal is to share ideas about how to best balance each of the six dimensions. To that end, we offer group programs, seminars & workshops, coaching, book clubs, community support groups and a plethora of information about recipes, ideas, and activities to help us all live more balanced and fulfilling lives.

Click here to learn more about the Six Dimensions

with Monk Wellawatte Seelagawesi Thero  (Bhante)

Join us for an amazing opportunity to learn about meditation practices from Monk Wellawatte Seelagawesi Thero on January 25th at 4:00pm PST.


During this FREE event, we will explore the Buddhist philosophy about meditation and experience various guided meditations with Wellawatte Seelagawesi Thero.


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6D Opportunities to Connect

Click on any image or link below to learn more about all the events, clubs, programs and courses offered by 6D Living - and join us! We offer a variety of connection opportunities, some have a fee and some are free - there are many ways to stay connected at 6D Living - all virtual and online!

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