6D LivingConnectionsA life in Six Dimensions - what does that mean and how do we balance our lives using this 6D Living idea?
6D LivingConnectionsTips and Tricks to Plant Based Living - a chat with Jeanne Schumacher and Sia Hurst
6D LivingFeeling Unhealthy? Out of Balance? Anxious?Unsupported? Join our 6D Community today - with a variety of options to 'get connected'!
6D LivingConnectionsMFP 'On The Road' with Tiffany Wilkerson! Yup, she did the program on her vacation!
6D LivingConnectionsPlant Based Academy - Jeanne Schumacher is a force for good health and wellness for us all!
6D LivingConnectionsSavory Sauces for our beans, grains and veggies - Whole Plant Nutritional Deliciousness