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Creative Dimension


Stop setting boundaries


Breathe deeply and open the mind to new realities


Focus on the creativity in all areas of your life


Move towards more optimal choices in meeting your creative needs


Flow into a more optimal state of health and well-being

Our ability to create our lives needs to be nurtured and nourished with creative activity just as our bodies require nourishment through food. Every decision we make creates a new reality. What we wear, eat, do and think are all decisions that create our daily lives. Balance this dimension by exploring the far corners of your creativity through a variety of activities. Accept that you are truly a creative being and realize that your life is your masterpiece creation - keep creating your story.

Pottery Class

Ideas for little changes

7-Day Auditions

Why not audition one of these simple ideas for optimizing your Creative Dimension. Try each one out for a week and then keep the ones you like - all are designed to help optimize your creative health and well-being.


  1. Each day spend 30 minutes doodling (free flow drawings) or in a coloring book, creating something colorful

  2. Learn a new skill - anything creative from crochet to painting to dance

  3. Clean your closet - go through those closets, throw out the old and create a fresh new look for yourself (this works for any cupboard - creating a fresh, clean environment)

  4. Take an art class with friends, no need to be 'artistic' just creatively curious

  5. Create a photo journal of your week taking pictures each day of your activities

  6. Cook a meal with friends and enjoy dining together

  7. As every thing we do CREATES our reality, take 30 minutes each day to reflect on your daily activities and what they create in your life

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